Jim Massie
After graduating from W-L, I headed off to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio where, after taking five years to complete four years of coursework, I finally graduated with a B.A. Degree in Economics and Political Science.  Then on to George Washington University doing graduate work in Public Administration. 

Put that to use on the City Manager career track working various jobs in Fairfax and Montgomery counties in the DC area, and then for the City of St. Petersburg, Florida for a couple of years.

At that point I entered law school at Florida State, met my future wife who was also a law student, graduated, hung out a shingle in Tallahassee, and began representing local governments, Florida seaports, insurance and reinsurance companies who were navigating the regulatory and legislative complexities of a state capital. I’m still practicing law, although at a much reduced workload.

For about 15 years during the 1980’s and 1990’s, my wife and I operated a small thoroughbred breeding and racing stable which was something neither one of us thought we would do.

While that was enjoyable, we got out of the business in 1997 when we adopted our daughter, Li, from Guangzhou, China, and concentrated on more important things.  Some of you may have met her at the 1999 Reunion. We’re proud to say she just graduated from the FSU College of Law, passed the bar, and is currently a law clerk for one of the appellate judges at the First District Court of Appeal.

I lived in Arlington until I left for college and consider myself extremely lucky to have received such an exceptional education from the public school system and to have developed lifelong friendships with you, my classmates.  Looking forward to seeing you there.
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