Guy Guthridge
Most of my career was in the United States Antarctic Research Program, run by the National Science Foundation. An English major (U.Va.) surrounded by scientists, I did education and outreach -- editing the magazine and selecting teachers, artists, writers, and filmmakers to work side-by-side with researchers on the Ice. The job was a window on rugged field science and on people of various nationalities, and it showed me inside stories about the ozone hole, shrinking ice sheets, and more.

Retiring in 2005, I lived on a boat and interviewed scientists about their work on the Chesapeake Bay. My wife Lynn Teo Simarski and I have a web site ( with columns we wrote for Bay Weekly.

I flunked retirement twice, going back to the Foundation 2009-2012 to help with the fourth International Polar Year, then lecturing on an Antarctic cruise ship 2013-2017.

I was quiet at WLHS, not a joiner, but graduating from one of the Nation’s then top public high schools was invaluable, and moments there 60 years ago are indelible. For those who knew me then, it’s perhaps unexpected (it certainly is for me!) that I finished my career talking for a living in front of large groups of people.

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